The Seven Shifts

in Horizon 2045…We safeguard the wellbeing—and the promise—
of future generations.
We realign our human experience around propelling humanity forward

Reality Blind

Reality Blind

by Nate Hagens Reductionism is quite useful, but both dangerous
and insufficient. A science-based worldview which looks at all the
puzzle pieces at once can make sense of things. The important
knowledge now resides between the disciplines.

Intertwined and interconnected: Can you discern?

by Janet Harvey in Invite ..Have you ever wondered about the intricate web of influences that shape your business? Are your leaders equipped with the necessary discernment and systemic thinking to navigate today’s complex landscape? In this blog, I uncover these interwoven and interconnected forces. Explore this critical topic and delve into the importance of preparedness in the face of these interconnected dynamics.

The AI age begins

by Peter Leyden in The Great Progression….The beginning of a step change in human capabilities as well as a new season of events and media coming out of ground zero San Francisco

Global collaboration of scientists needed to solve polycrisis

Global collaboration of scientists needed to solve polycrisis

in Cambridge University Press….“Above all else, the polycrisis concept emphasises that crises interact with one another in highly consequential ways that are grossly underappreciated by academic and policymaking institutions that study those crises individually, in separate silos.”

Polycrisis in the anthropocene: An invitation to contributions and debates

Polycrisis in the anthropocene: An invitation to contributions and debates

by Michael Lawrence in Cambridge University Press…The popularity of the term polycrisis suggests a growing demand for new thinking
about the world’s intersecting crises, but loose and haphazard uses of the concept impede knowledge
generation. The special issue, “Polycrisis in the Anthropocene,” aims to close the gap.

7 Structural Shifts:

by Indy Johar in Dark Matter… Furthermore, it is also becoming increasingly apparent that as we shift away from our current material economy — a system that has generated abundance for some segments of society and scarcity for others — we are entering an era marked by greater scarcity. This transition could potentially lead us towards a novel concept of abundance. However, this journey is not without its challenges. As we begin to encounter the limitations inherent in our economies, particularly the rise of net-zero-sum scenarios, the risk of conflict and war further escalates.

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