Mary Watkins brings together activist, archetypal, and community-based work with beauty and grace. How do we show up—for all humans and all species—in the name of peace and liberation? If this question haunts you or sparks your imagination, dig into this offering. (Hint: Keep an extra copy around to share with a friend.)


By Mary Watkins

This timely and pathbreaking volume maps a radical model of accompaniment, exploring its profound implications for solidarity. Psychosocial and ecological accompaniment is a mode of responsive assistance that combines psychosocial understanding with political and cultural action. Accompaniment—grounded in horizontality, interdependence, and potential mutuality—moves away from hierarchical and unidirectional helping-profession approaches that decontextualize suffering. Watkins envisions a powerful paradigm of mutual solidarity with profound implications for creating commons in the face of societal division and indifference to suffering.

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Worlds within Us: Wisdom and Resilience of Indigenous Women Elders

How does one measure the intentions of a life? This is a question that Tekatsi:tsia’ kwa Katsi Cook (Wolf Clan, Mohawk Nation, New York) asks in her introduction to Worlds within Us, a book rich with the voices of eight Native American women elders....



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