How can we navigate these times?

We’re tracking what we need to know

What's our vision?

Hope & courage for these times

The world is

What’s going on?

Many global stressors—environmental, social, technological, financial, and economic—are causing future shocks of increasing frequency & force. What can we do?

Are we witnessing civilization’s decline or the dawn of a new stage in human evolution—​or perhaps both?

Omega incubates new initiatives for
living in and through the global polycrisis.

What we do

The Omega Collaborative

We convene scientists, systems thinkers, artists, activists and others engaged in resilience research & action.

Resilience Funders Network

RFN convenes funders & other investors exploring strategic responses to the polycrisis.

Omega Resilience Awards

ORA funds new models of thinking, leading, and acting to navigate the global polycrisis.

The Long View

Our online magazine chronicles the polycrisis with trusted news, analysis, and stories of hope from across the political spectrum.

We are deep in the global polycrisis.

We will do better if we accept its reality, seek to understand it, and learn to navigate it. How will we discover the best way to live? How can we give each other—and our children—the hope and courage we need?

 Stay informed with podcasts & videos of recent discussions with leading thinkers.

Oct 10 2023

An introduction to the Metacrisis

An introduction to the Metacrisis by Daniel Schmachtenberger, founding member of The Consilience Project. Moderated by Niklas Adalberth, founder of Norrsken Foundation....
Mar 30 2023

Omega: Post Capitalism Philanthropy with Alnoor Ladha and Lynn Murphy Hosted by Michael Lerner, this conversation discusses Alnoor and Lynn's new book Post Capitalist Philanthropy: Healing...
Aerial photo of a city traffic jam at night with bright red and white car lights
Feb 20 2023

Reflecting on the Polycrisis: From under the table whispers to public conversations The Resilience Funders Network brings you a special conversation with Nate. Nathan J. (Nate) Hagens is a leading public...
Oct 28 2022

Ecosocial collapse & the Lithium Triangle in Argentina, Bolivia & Chile

Dr. Maristella Svampa and Enrique Viale joined Tom Kruse from the Rockefeller Brothers Fund to discuss what the predominant narrative around the polycrisis–framed...

Hope & courage for these times