Dulcinea Lezcano

ORA Latin America / Argentina

Project: Title: Pastures: Resistance against forest monocultures

The project aims to communicate and raise awareness about the ecological, cultural and economic importance of preserving grasslands, their main threats and the consequences of their loss. Grasslands are the predominant ecosystems in the Province of Corrientes, with the pine and eucalyptus forestry industry being its main threat. We will work in at least five strategic sites directly exposed to the forestry industry in Corrientes. There, participatory workshops will be held that will allow the exchange of knowledge with the residents in order to analyze the landscape and the consequences of the forestry industry in native environments, and recorded interviews with residents where they are able to express their perceptions regarding the environmental, social and economic changes they have experienced and overcome. This work will be carried out jointly with organizations that are in contact with the inhabitants, and academics that will provide us with the necessary tools to achieve greater effectiveness.

Continuing with the work carried out by the Defensores del Pastizal organization, we will generate audiovisual material that responds to scientific data, trying to make a didactic transposition aimed at any interested person, with creativity, easy to read and understand.

In this way, we hope to make visible the false solutions promised by governments and the productive-extractivist model, generating a change in people’s perspective on the forestry industry and the importance of preserving nature, and encouraging citizen participation in the socio-environmental problems that they affect us all.

Dulcinea is University professor of Biology, and works as a teacher in the secondary and university spheres in the Chair of Learning Biology of the Faculty of Humanities-National Northeast University (UNNE). In addition, she is an advanced student of a Degree in Biological Sciences from the Faculty of Exact Sciences (Fa. C.E.N.A) – UNNE; a student of British English, and has a B2 level in the Portuguese language. During her academic training, she was the beneficiary of an undergraduate research grant from the General Secretariat for Science and Technology -UNNE (2017-2018).

In 2019, she joined the socio-environmental NGO Defensores del Pastizal, concerned about the advance of the industrial forestry model on the native environments of Corrientes, with grasslands being the most affected. Since then, she has focused on her training in environmental education, attending various courses, workshops, and talks on this subject.

Together with defenders of the grassland, she has carried out different actions to raise awareness and visibility of the problem with a scientific basis, including scenarios such as fairs in cultural centers, reading rounds, environmental education workshops, talks in schools, and in different socio-environmental meetings.

In 2019, she collected stories from some residents of the Paraje Montaña in San Miguel, Corrientes, and produced audiovisual shorts.

She considers herself a woman with academic training focused on the study of nature, a believer that the change towards a more just society is possible in connection with the territory.


Instagram DulciLezca

Instagram DefensoresDelPastizal