Dr. Ashok Khosla stands almost alone in the world in his leadership of the modern environmental movement. His wisdom, creativity, and humility rooted in his great compassion and respect for all humanity, as well as his Ph.D. in experimental physics, have been a source of sustenance and hope for the poorest of the poor and the most discouraged and determined of the more fortunate.
Love in a ghastly time
How do we organise around love but not exclude organizing around what enrages us, around what is unjust?
The human predicament in 2020: Interacting global crises and the new normal
Many fear that a broader systems collapse could be a plausible scenario. Given what we know, how do we respond?
The world that food made with Raj Patel
In this Omega Conversation, Shorey Meyers speaks with Raj Patel, an award-winning author, film-maker and academic.
Navigating a path between fantasy & doom
In this Omega Conversation, Omega founder Michael Lerner is joined by Nate Hagens.
Nate Hagens: The state of the species 2020
Nate Hagens, Director of EnergyandOurFuture.org, covers the state of the economy, environment and human cultural situation in the face of the recent Coronavirus.
Agroecology & the reconstruction of post-COVID 19 agriculture & food systems
In this Omega Conversation, Omega founder Michael Lerner is joined by agroecologist Miguel Altieri.
COVID-19: Learning from the crisis & re-imagining the future for environmental & climate challenges
In this Omega Conversation, Omega founder Michael Lerner is joined by Sunita Narain, a leading Indian activist and environmentalist.
Are we in the omega phase of the adaptive cycle?
Thomas Homer Dixon addresses the Upside of Down, his forthcoming book Commanding Hope, and the Cascade Institute.
Reimagining philanthropy in the age of the virus: Reflections for the Omega Advisory Board
By Omega advisors Katherine Fulton & Mark Valentine This essay was completed on April 20, 2020, to coincide with the first meeting of the advisory board of Omega: The Resilience Funders Network. While Omega’s efforts had been underway for some time, the context...