The Resilience Funders Network brings you a special conversation with Nate. Nathan J. (Nate) Hagens is a leading public intellectual working at the nexus of multiple components of the polycrisis and threats to civilization with a focus on the fundamental role of energy and our dependence on growth, the Superorganism.
His podcast series, The Great Simplification is the leading podcast in Earth Sciences in the world. His Frankly reflections are personal observations as he connects biophysical and social truths with great passion for all living creatures. His video The Great Simplification presents the clearest description of the polycrisis available.
Hagens has brought his history in finance and years on Wall Street, his role with The Oil Drum and the Post Carbon Institute, years teaching students Reality 101 at the University of Minnesota, founder of the Institute for the Study of Energy and our Future (ISEOF), and time as a farmer in Wisconsin to the big questions of the moment and our shared human experience. To talk about Nate without mentioning his four dogs, is to seriously miss the power of love and connection, and neglect key components of a complex man helping us make sense and find agency in this complex world. Co-hosted by Michael Lerner and Joan Diamond.