Executive Director of Stanford University’s Millennium Alliance for Humanity and the Biosphere and of the Crans Foresight Analysis Consensus. Joan has executive background in private and non-profit sectors, including Fortune 500 energy enterprises, and is a senior scenarist who facilitates uncertainty scenario workshops on human security. Joan is a senior advisor to Omega.
Joan Diamond
by Dr. Michael Lawrence at The Cascade Institute….. In this framework, a global crisis arises when one or more fast-moving trigger events combines with slow-moving stresses to push a global system out of its established equilibrium and into a volatile and harmful state of disequilibrium. We then identify three causal pathways—common stresses, domino effects, and inter-systemic feedbacks—that can connect multiple global systems to produce synchronized crises.
Managing increasing demand for water, clean air, minerals, energy, and food is rapidly becoming one of our greatest challenges. What strategies are available to us? Are there alternatives
The Resilience Funders Network brings you a special conversation with Nate. Nathan J. (Nate) Hagens is a leading public intellectual working at the nexus of multiple components of