In this fourth installment of conversations with Daniel Schmachtenberger, Nate Hagens dives deeper into the nuances of humans using energy, materials and technology.
Beyond catastrophe a new climate reality is coming into view
You can never really see the future, only imagine it, then try to make sense of the new world when it arrives.
The Polycrisis: An introduction
The Polycrisis aims to untangle the Gordian Knot of security, climate, economic, and political dilemmas.
‘Permacrisis’ is a dictionary’s word of the year in ‘truly awful’ 2022
We’ve all been living in a state of permanent crisis, a “permacrisis” if you will, according to lexicographers at the U.K.-based Collins Dictionary who have anointed it the word of the year for 2022.
Can we fix our battered politics to deal with converging crises?
We live whipsawed by “polycrisis.” That’s the word historian Adam Tooze uses to describe multiple, simultaneous systemic crises that intensify as they collide, resulting in dire and deadly disruptions.
Our stuff weighs more than all living things on the planet
Our built environment now weighs more than all the living things, including humans, on the globe.
A new Banksy mural adorns a destroyed building in Ukraine
Anonymous graffiti artist Banksy, who is known for sending political messages, has revealed a new mural on a building destroyed by shelling in Ukraine.
Resilience for compounding & cascading events
There was a time not long ago when disasters would strike one at
a time, and communities would have time to recover and rebuild.
Today, however, there is a new normal regarding disasters, one in
which most do not occur as isolated events and instead seem to pile
on one another, often unleashing new devastation on a community
before it has had a chance to recover from the prior disaster.
Wealth as territory of transition
In the US alone, about $35 trillion to $70 trillion in wealth will transfer from one generation to another in the next twenty years. Most of this wealth will move between family members in the wealthiest 0.1%. Pundits, economists, financial advisors and others are calling this the “largest generation wealth transfer in history.”
Limits and Beyond
Edited by Ugo Bardi & Carlos Alvarez Pereira
In 1972, a book changed the world.
The Club of Rome commissioned a report that shifted how we see what humans are doing to the planet. Looking back five decades later, what happened next, what did we do and not do, what did we learn, and what happens now?