Hosted by Michael Lerner, this conversation discusses Alnoor and Lynn's new book Post Capitalist Philanthropy: Healing Wealth in the Time of Collapse. Post Capitalist Philanthropy takes us on a journey from the history of...
Crazy Town: Episode 65. Why the polycrisis is a statistical anomaly: The willful delusions of the world’s leading pseudointellectual
Meet Steven Pinker, whose denial of limits increases the likelihood of his worst fear: the end of the Enlightenment.
Why Peru’s crisis is worth studying closely by democracies everywhere
by José Carlos Agüero, The Washington Post…Ever since Peruvian President Pedro Castillo’s failed power grab exactly three months ago, protests have been roiling the country almost every single day.
Dancing with systems from the Donella Meadows Project
People who are raised in the industrial world and who get enthused about systems thinking are likely to make a terrible mistake.
The barefoot guide to coping with floods by HOMEF
The steps in the guide are not just imaginably practicable but have been applied by several flood-impacted communities. In other words, from the knowledge of community people applied during their flood experience and other documented steps for coping with floods, this guide comes.
The world at a turning point. Will philanthropy rise to the task of the moment? by Briggs Bomba in Alliance Magazine
In a recent statement, the IMF announced that one-third of the world economy is expected to be in recession in 2023, further adding that ‘it would feel like recession for hundreds of millions of people’, even for countries not in recession.
Post Capitalist Philanthropy: Healing wealth in the time of collapse
Post Capitalist Philanthropy takes us on a journey from the history of wealth accumulation to the current logic of late-stage capitalism to the lived possibilities for other ways of knowing, sensing and being that can usher in life-centric models.
The Displacements
As 'The Displacements' slows down and sinks into the frustrations of life in a massive relief camp, the story recalls the Houston Astrodome after Katrina — except that here we witness what one character sardonically labels a 'catastrophe of whiteness.'… What unfolds...
The permaweird
The Last Men at the End of History cannot sustain any sense of collective urgency for any length of time at the important scales. And mere individual or even tribal actions do nothing to alleviate the sense of collective, even universal, crisis-in-waiting. The world is now too complex for that to work.
Why the world feels so unstable right now
For many of us, life seems to progress smoothly and predictably for much of the time. Indeed, it seems one of our biggest concerns appears to be getting stuck in a rut. But then, seemingly out of nowhere, our world is turned upside down.