To report the news in the current global moment is to observe a world in
crisis. Multiple, cascading risks mark our times, intersecting with each other
in ways that amplify their seriousness, and underscore planetary precarity.
Climate change, (un)natural disasters, environmental harms – including
deforestation, pollution and biodiversity loss – a global pandemic, wars,
inflation shocks, democratic dysfunction and the rise of authoritarianism
are just some of the interlinking crises that have marked the start of the
21st century. If societies are to confront these crises meaningfully and
holistically, it is imperative that people and policymakers understand
the interconnectedness of these threats and respond in a way that is
commensurate. Journalists, as observers and public-facing analysts, are
well placed to interpret and make sense of such phenomena for media
audiences locally and globally.Gabi Mocatta, et al.