For a Coming Extinction

BY W. S. MERWIN Gray whaleNow that we are sending you to The EndThat great godTell himThat we who follow you invented forgivenessAnd forgive nothing I write as though you could understandAnd I could say itOne must always pretend somethingAmong the dyingWhen you have...

Extreme weather leading to food and water shock

from Lloyd’s futureset and Cambridge Centre for Risk Studies…Without collaboration, protection and risk mitigation, the potential impacts of extreme and systemic weather events could prove devastating to the global economy. Our ‘Extreme weather leading to food and water shortage’ scenario uses modelling and analysis to expose the potential cost of a weather and food event unfolding over the next five years, at three different levels of severity. The analysis is based on the historic impacts of climate events and uses plausible projections to demonstrate economic and insurance impacts over the next five years..

Overshooting earth’s boundaries: an interview with Bill Rees

by Rachel Donald in World Sensorium Conservancy….Our impact on the planet cannot be understated. We have thrust Earth into a new geological period, destroyed the majority of the world’s wildlife, razed her forests, and rendered innumerable species extinct. We are expert consumers with no limits to our appetite, it seems. Unless the climate becomes so unstable our own systems break down. This, of course, is what we’re already seeing.

Weaving solidarity and hope: stories of regeneration and resilience

From Global tapestries of alternatives…..we learn that art is an important mode of everyday
resistance that can offer healing possibilities from the trauma of war, occupation
and destruction. It gives a sense of hope in most dire situations, the possibility
of creation and building collective solidarity

Rivers and water systems as weapons and casualties of the Russia‐Ukraine war

By Peter Gleick in Earth’s Future……Among the consequences of the conflict have been both direct and indirect effects on civilian populations, agriculture, military operations, water supplies and quality, and natural ecosystems. An historical review shows that such attacks have occurred in the past, but the extent and severity of the current violence appear unprecedented, raising important questions of international law and how international legal and scientific communities should respond.

The blue dollar economy

Dollarization of the Argentine economy, which appeared an eccentric wish only a few months ago, now dominates media headlines and dinner table discussions and has become a subject of academic research.

The tragedy on the financial horizon is closer than you think

In September 2015, then Bank of England Governor Mark Carney gave a landmark speech on the “Tragedy of the Horizon.” The concept was simple: climate change creates tremendous risk for financial markets, but these mounting risks are ignored by investors due to the...

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Jul 06 2023

Global polycrisis: The causal mechanisms of crisis entanglement

by Dr. Michael Lawrence at The Cascade Institute….. In this framework, a global crisis arises when one or more fast-moving trigger events combines with...
Jan 20 2025

Rediscovering harmony: How Chinese philosophy offers pathways to a regenerative future

By foregrounding relationships — between individuals, communities, and the natural world — we can build systems that prioritize wellbeing and resilience.

Jan 20 2025

The AMOC Might Be WAY More Unstable Than We Thought…Here’s Why

from PBS Terra…There is a mysterious cold blob in the North Atlantic that could be a warning sign that the largest heat transfer system on the planet, the AMOC,...
Jan 17 2025

The bioregional vision of Donella Meadows

by Isabel Carlisle in Bioregional Learning Center… ‘Helping people and cultures all over the world develop and express their own capacity to solve their own...
Jan 16 2025

How jazz shaped the civil rights movement

by Lesley McClurg in interview of Larry Tye on…He profiles the trio in his new book, “The Jazzmen.” In it, he pieces together over 250 interviews,...
Jan 15 2025

Godfather of AI’ shortens odds of the technology wiping out humanity over next 30 years

by Dan Milmo in The Guardian…Geoffrey Hinton says there is 10% to 20% chance AI will lead to human extinction in three decades, as change moves fast

Jan 14 2025

Wanted: An early-warning system for the end of the world

by Charlie Cooper in Politico…Some experts believe we could hit catastrophic climate ‘tipping points’ in a matter of years. The U.K. government, with a bit of...
Jan 13 2025

Worlds within Us: Wisdom and Resilience of Indigenous Women Elders

How does one measure the intentions of a life? This is a question that Tekatsi:tsia’ kwa Katsi Cook (Wolf Clan, Mohawk Nation, New York) asks in her...
Jan 13 2025

Hope in the Face of the Polycrisis

by Jacob Bornstein & Mesa Sebree in Mediators Foundation…Historically, the leading causes of mass disruption across the world can be boiled down to the...
Jan 13 2025

Climate change forged a new reality in 2024: ‘This is life now’

by Diana Baptista in Context…In 2024, billions of people endured heatwaves, storms and floods; 2025 is set to be worse as man-made climate change wreaks...
Dec 30 2024

Policy brief: Nature for resilience

From UNDRR….Healthy and resilient ecosystems are key to achieving the Sustainable Development Goals as well as the objectives of the Sendai Framework for Disaster...