Hope in the Face of the Polycrisis

by Jacob Bornstein & Mesa Sebree in Mediators Foundation…Historically, the leading causes of mass disruption across the world can be boiled down to the following threats: disease, economic mismanagement, environmental changes (natural and human-made), and violence (typically in relation to authoritarianism or fascism).

Policy brief: Nature for resilience

From UNDRR….Healthy and resilient ecosystems are key to achieving the Sustainable Development Goals as well as the objectives of the Sendai Framework for Disaster Risk Reduction 2015–2030 (Sendai Framework) and the Paris Agreement. However, there are noticeable gaps in terms of specific data, pathways and evidence regarding the ways in which changes in ecosystem functions and services contribute to vulnerability or resilience building.

Great power politics Adam Tooze on Bidenomics

Great power politics Adam Tooze on Bidenomics

by Adam Tooze in London Review of Books…America’s more liberal-minded spokespeople may talk about America limiting itself to defending a small yard with a high fence. But what is inside that fence is clearly everything that matters to state power in the current moment.

The Regeneration Handbook: System-changing strategies

by Don Hall in Resilience.org…CATL supports them all by organizing events, creating educational resources, facilitating collaboration and resource sharing, and helping to raise millions of Euros for startups and expansions. It has also established a partnership with the City of Liège to lease public lands to local growers, helped form a district-wide food policy council, and regularly consults with schools about sourcing locally. According to CATL, which maps local producers on their website, all of this has led to a doubling of market gardeners in their area over the past decade, with much more still to come.

Derailment risk: A systems analysis that identifies risks which could derail the sustainability transition

by Laurie Laybourn in Earth Systems Dynamics…How will the effects of climate change, nature loss, and other environmental change impact our ability to tackle the causes of these problems? There is already a high demand on resources to respond to worsening climate shocks, knock-on impacts for areas such as food production and health, and the many other growing consequences of changes to the Earth system.

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