by Tess McClure in The Guardian…As populations move and shrink, people are leaving long-occupied places behind. Often they leave everything in place, ready for a return that never comes. In Tyurkmen, Christmas baubles still hang from the curtain rails in empty houses, slowly being wrapped by spiders. In one abandoned home, a porcelain cabinet lay inside a crater of rotted floorboards, plates still stacked above a spare packet of nappies for a visiting grandchild. Occasionally, abandonment happens all at once, when a legal ruling or evacuation sends people scuttling. But mostly, it is haphazard, creeping, unplanned. People just go.
Implications of the polycrisis for resilience in humanitarian action
Cascade Institute presents Thomas Homer-Dixon…Implications of the polycrisis for resilience in humanitarian action. A Forum for European and Central Asia National Society Leaders.
Global emergence of regional heatwave hotspots outpaces climate model simulations
by Kai Kornhuber, et al. in PNAS…Multiple recent record-shattering weather events raise questions about the adequacy of climate models to effectively predict and prepare for unprecedented climate impacts on human life, infrastructure, and ecosystems. Here, we show that extreme heat in several regions globally is increasing significantly and faster in magnitude than what state-of-the-art climate models have predicted under present warming even after accounting for their regional summer background warming.
Creating Systems Change in a Fractured World For most of Elizabeth Sawin’s career, she was not a multisolver. Instead, she worked on a single, albeit immensely important problem: climate change. Despite tremendous effort—long hours of teaching, attending conferences,...
The R word
by Alex Evans in The Good Apocalypse Guide…My idea of apocalypse resilience used to be pretty similar. Survival = self preservation (emphasis on self there) = stockpiling + steel doors x semiautomatic weapons.
‘Would you survive 72 hours?’ Germany and the Nordic countries prepare citizens for possible war
by Jon Henley, et al. in The Guardian…Apps and booklets are offering advice on how to build a bunker, stockpile food and live without electricity in case the worst happens
Society is right on track for a global collapse, new study of infamous 1970s report finds
by Brandon Specktor in…A steep downturn in human population and quality of life could be coming in the 2040s, the report finds.
Bunkerised society – why prepping for end times is so American
by Robert Kirsch in Psyche…
Millions are preparing for doomsday, not together, but by closing the hatch. It’s a logical response to a hollowed-out state
Trees as infrastructure
from Dark Matter Laboratories…An open source model to support municipalities in transitioning toward resilient urban forest management practices
An emerging third option: Reclaiming democracy from dark money & dark tech
by Otto Scharmer in Medium…What does that tell us about democracy? Democracy is under strain globally, with mass misinformation eroding citizens’ ability to perceive and respond to the realities they face.